Share your Collection

Step-by-Step Guide: Sharing a Published Collection in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Collections Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Collections" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select the Published Collection

From the list of collections displayed, choose the published collection you want to share by clicking on it.

Step 4: Click on the "Share" Option

On the collection details page, locate and click on the "Share" option associated with the published collection. (Note: The Share button will only be available for published collections.)

Step 5: Choose Sharing Method

A modal window will open, providing you with three options for sharing:

  1. Embedding Code: Copy the embedding code provided to embed the collection on your website or blog.
  2. Using API: Utilize the provided API to programmatically share the collection through custom integrations.
  3. Using a Public Link: Copy the public link provided to share the collection via social media, email, or any other platform.

Step 6: Copy and Share

Choose the sharing method that best suits your needs, then copy the provided code or link. Share it with your audience by pasting it into your desired platform or application.

Disclaimer: Please note that the Share button will only be available for collections that have been published. If the collection is still in draft mode, you will need to publish it first before being able to share it.

By following these steps, you can efficiently share a published collection from Orange Gas with your audience, maximizing its reach and engagement.

Fold the Space

This blog was created using the OrangeGas CMS and it is really a just a collection of articles. You can create your own collection and add articles to it and share it with your website, your twitter feed or your really life friend who still reads blogs. The content must flow.