Tutorial about how to use collection in Orange Gas.

List of Attached Articles

Creating a Collection in OrangeGas

Effortlessly Organize Your Articles with OrangeGas

Are you tired of disorganized articles and cluttered content? Look no further! Creating a collection in OrangeGas is a simple and effective way to organize your articles and make them easily accessible. Follow these easy steps to get started:

Step 1: Log In

Login to Your OrangeGas Account

First things first, log in to your OrangeGas account using your credentials. If you don't have an account yet, sign up for one today!

Step 2: Navigate to Collections

Find the Collections Section

Once logged in, navigate to the Collections section of the dashboard. You can usually find it in the sidebar menu or on the main dashboard page.

Step 3: Click on "Create Collection"

Create Your Collection

In the Collections section, look for the option to create a new collection. It may be represented by a button labeled "Create Collection" or a similar call-to-action.

Step 4: Fill in Collection Details

Customize Your Collection

After clicking on "Create Collection," a form will appear where you can input details about your collection. Here's what each field means:

  1. Name (Optional): Give your collection a descriptive name. This will help you identify it later.
  2. Description (Optional): Provide a brief description of what the collection is about. This can help users understand the purpose of the collection.
  3. URL (Optional): If you want to customize the URL for your collection, you can enter it here.
  4. Creator (Automatically filled): This field displays the user who is creating the collection.
  5. Created At (Automatically filled): Shows the date and time when the collection is created.

Step 5: Save Your Collection

Save Your Collection

After adding articles, review the information you've entered to ensure everything is correct. Then, click on the "Save" or "Create" button to save your collection.

Step 6: Confirmation

Collection Created Successfully!

Once your collection is saved successfully, you'll typically receive a confirmation message or be redirected to the collections list page.

Congratulations! You've successfully created a collection in OrangeGas. You can now share this collection with others using various options such as sharing a link, embedding a code, or making an API call.

Get Started with OrangeGas Today!

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any further questions.

This tutorial was created using Orange Gas CMS


Deleting a Collection in OrangeGas.

Effortlessly Remove Unwanted Collections with OrangeGas

Is there a collection in your OrangeGas account that you no longer need? Deleting a collection in OrangeGas is a straightforward process. Follow these simple steps to delete a collection:

Step 1: Log In

Login to Your OrangeGas Account

First, log in to your OrangeGas account using your credentials. If you don't have an account yet, sign up for one today!

Step 2: Navigate to Collections

Find the Collections Section

Once logged in, navigate to the Collections section of the dashboard. You can usually find it in the sidebar menu or on the main dashboard page.

Step 3: Locate the Collection

Identify the Collection to Delete

In the Collections section, locate the specific collection you wish to delete. Take a moment to ensure that you have selected the correct collection.

Step 4: Access Collection Options

Open Collection Settings

Within the collection details, look for the options or settings related to the collection. These settings usually include actions you can perform on the collection.

Step 5: Select "Delete Collection"

Choose the Delete Option

Once you have accessed the collection settings, look for the "Delete Collection" option. This action may be represented by a button, icon, or text link.

Step 6: Delete the Collection

Permanently Remove the Collection

After confirming the deletion, proceed by clicking the "Delete" or similar button to permanently remove the collection from your OrangeGas account.

Step 8: Confirmation

Collection Deleted Successfully!

Upon successful deletion, you will typically receive a confirmation message or be redirected to the collections list page.

Congratulations! You have successfully deleted a collection in OrangeGas. The collection and its associated articles have been permanently removed from your account.

Remember, this action cannot be undone, so ensure that you have chosen the correct collection to delete.

This tutorial was created using Orange Gas CMS


Creating an Article in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Navigate to the Orange Gas website and log in to your account using your username and password.

Step 2: Access the Content Management System (CMS)

Once logged in, locate the "Content Management" section in the dashboard menu. Click on it to access the CMS.

Step 3: Click on "Create New Article"

Within the CMS interface, look for the option to create a new article. It may be labeled as "New Article," "Create Article," or something similar. Click on it to start drafting your article.

Step 4: Enter Article Details

  1. Name: Provide a title for your article.
  2. Image: Upload an image to accompany your article. This image will often appear alongside the article title in listings and previews.
  3. Description: Enter the article description. This field supports rich text, allowing you to paste content from other sources or format text as needed.

Step 5: Save Your Progress

Periodically save your progress as you enter article details to avoid losing any work. Most CMS platforms have an autosave feature, but it's a good practice to manually save as well.

Step 6: Preview and Edit

Once you've entered all article details, use the preview option to see how it will look to readers. Make any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure it's polished and professional.

Step 7: Review and Publish

Before publishing your article, take a final review to check for any errors or inconsistencies. Once you're satisfied with the content, hit the "Publish" button to make your article live on Orange Gas.

Step 8: Share Your Article

After publishing, share your article with your audience through social media, email newsletters, or other channels. Encourage engagement and feedback from your readers.

Step 9: Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the performance of your article using analytics tools provided by Orange Gas. Monitor metrics such as page views, engagement, and shares to gauge its effectiveness.

Step 10: Celebrate Your Success!

Congratulations! You've successfully created and published an article on Orange Gas. Celebrate your achievement and continue producing high-quality content to engage your audience.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and publish articles on Orange Gas, maximizing the impact of your content marketing efforts.


Step-by-Step Guide: Deleting an Article in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Navigate to the Content Management Section

Once logged in, locate and click on the "Content Management" section in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Find the Article to Delete

Within the Content Management section, locate the article you wish to delete from the list of articles.

Step 4: Open the Article

Click on the title or thumbnail of the article you want to delete to open it for editing.

Step 5: Locate the Delete Option

Look for the option to delete the article. This option may be labeled as "Delete," "Remove," or represented by a trash can icon.

Step 6: Confirm Deletion

When prompted, confirm that you want to delete the article. Be aware that this action is irreversible and will permanently remove the article from Orange Gas.

Step 7: Return to Article List

After confirming the deletion, you will be redirected back to the list of articles in the Content Management section.

Step 8: Verify Deletion

Double-check the article list to ensure that the deleted article is no longer present.

Step 9: Done!

Congratulations! You have successfully deleted the article from Orange Gas.

Following these steps will guide you through the process of deleting an article in Orange Gas, helping you manage your content effectively.


Step-by-Step Guide: Sharing a Published Article in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Article Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Article" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select the Published Article

From the list of articles displayed, choose the published article you want to share by clicking on it.

Step 4: Click on the "Share" Option

On the article details page, locate and click on the "Share" option associated with the published article. (Note: The Share button will only be available for published articles.)

Step 5: Choose Sharing Method

A modal window will open, providing you with three options for sharing:

  1. Embedding Code: Copy the embedding code provided to embed the article on your website or blog.
  2. Using API: Utilize the provided API to programmatically share the article through custom integrations.
  3. Using a Public Link: Copy the public link provided to share the article via social media, email, or any other platform.

Step 6: Copy and Share

Choose the sharing method that best suits your needs, then copy the provided code or link. Share it with your audience by pasting it into your desired platform or application.

Disclaimer: Please note that the Share button will only be available for articles that have been published. If the article is still in draft mode, you will need to publish it first before being able to share it.

By following these steps, you can efficiently share a published article from Orange Gas with your audience, maximizing its reach and engagement.

Step-by-Step Guide: Attaching an Article to a Collection in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Collections Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Collections" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Navigate to Specific Collection Screen

From the list of collections displayed, select the specific collection to which you want to attach an article. Click on the collection title to open its screen.

Step 4: Press the "Add Articles" Button

On the specific collection screen, locate and click on the "Add Articles" button.

Step 5: Select Articles to Attach

A modal window will open, displaying a list of available articles. Select the articles you want to attach to the collection by checking the corresponding checkboxes.

Step 6: Press "Save"

After selecting the articles, press the "Save" button to attach them to the collection.

By following these steps, you can efficiently attach articles to a collection in Orange Gas, enhancing the content of your collections and providing a curated experience for your audience.


Step-by-Step Guide: Publishing an Article in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Article Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Article" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select the Article

From the list of articles displayed, choose the article you want to publish by clicking on it.

Step 4: Press the "Publish" Button

After selecting the article, locate the "Publish" button on the article editor or management interface. Click on it to publish the article on Orange Gas.

By following these simple steps, you can efficiently publish an article on Orange Gas and share your content with your audience.

This tutorial was created using Orange Gas CMS


Step-by-Step Guide: Sharing a Published Collection in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Collections Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Collections" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select the Published Collection

From the list of collections displayed, choose the published collection you want to share by clicking on it.

Step 4: Click on the "Share" Option

On the collection details page, locate and click on the "Share" option associated with the published collection. (Note: The Share button will only be available for published collections.)

Step 5: Choose Sharing Method

A modal window will open, providing you with three options for sharing:

  1. Embedding Code: Copy the embedding code provided to embed the collection on your website or blog.
  2. Using API: Utilize the provided API to programmatically share the collection through custom integrations.
  3. Using a Public Link: Copy the public link provided to share the collection via social media, email, or any other platform.

Step 6: Copy and Share

Choose the sharing method that best suits your needs, then copy the provided code or link. Share it with your audience by pasting it into your desired platform or application.

Disclaimer: Please note that the Share button will only be available for collections that have been published. If the collection is still in draft mode, you will need to publish it first before being able to share it.

By following these steps, you can efficiently share a published collection from Orange Gas with your audience, maximizing its reach and engagement.


Step-by-Step Guide: Publishing a Collection in Orange Gas

Step 1: Log in to Your Orange Gas Account

Log in to your Orange Gas account using your username and password.

Step 2: Go to the Collections Tab

Once logged in, navigate to the "Collections" tab in the dashboard menu.

Step 3: Select the Collection

From the list of collections displayed, choose the collection you want to publish by clicking on it.

Step 4: Press the "Publish" Button

After selecting the collection, locate the "Publish" button on the collection editor or management interface. Click on it to publish the collection on Orange Gas.

By following these straightforward steps, you can efficiently publish a collection on Orange Gas and showcase your curated content to your audience.

Fold the Space

This blog was created using the OrangeGas CMS and it is really a just a collection of articles. You can create your own collection and add articles to it and share it with your website, your twitter feed or your really life friend who still reads blogs. The content must flow.